Tag Archives: The Cutmouth Lady

ALL THE FEMINIST BOOKS: The Cutmouth Lady by Romy Ashby

This month. we asked our regular contributors to write about the feminist books that they love—books that struck a chord, for one reason or another, books they couldn’t put down, that they’ll never donate, that are underlined and dog-eared and bookmarked eternally, that you can maybe borrow, but you most definitely have to give back. First up is Hanna on The Cutmouth Lady:


imageUrban legends, awkward crushes, high school, sneaking out to the wrong side of town…. Sounds like the makings of a typical coming-of-age story. But add a basically-orphaned Seattle girl sent to Japan to attend a strict Catholic school while living with a distant family friend above a bar, and you’ve got The Cutmouth Lady. A friend gifted this book to me when I was 24, and upon reading it, I immediately felt so much longing and a deep regret that my teenage self hadn’t had this to read on train ride escapes into NYC on the weekends.

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