R.I.P. Chantal Akerman, “pioneer of modern feminist cinema.” You can find some of her films here.
‘‘The fact that you feel upset about me speaking on something that affects black women makes me feel like you have some big balls. You’re in videos with black men, and you’re bringing out black women on your stages, but you don’t want to know how black women feel about something that’s so important? Come on, you can’t want the good without the bad. If you want to enjoy our culture and our lifestyle, bond with us, dance with us, have fun with us, twerk with us, rap with us, then you should also want to know what affects us, what is bothering us, what we feel is unfair to us. You shouldn’t not want to know that.’’–Nicki Minaj
“And I’m a pleaser as much as anybody else is, and I don’t want to be considered unpleasant, but, you know, sometimes, I’m also the boss. And if I am unable to continue for fear of being called a name, I’m not a very effective leader.”–Kelly Sue DeConnick on her comic, Bitch Planet

Habeas Corpus, by Laurie Anderson in collaboration with Mohammed el-Gharani, at Park Avenue Armory. Photo by: Cathy de la Cruz
Read about how Laurie Anderson’s Guantanamo installation went “where Obama fears to tread.”
Rosa Jurjevics is thankful for her “girl-boyhood” in this article on gender neutral toys.
Svetlana Alexievich received the Nobel Prize for literature yesterday. She is the 14th woman ever to do so. There have been 111 winners, y’all. “In other words, almost 90% of awardees have been men.”
Canadian voter cards are outing trans people.
“In the fantasy, we’d do really sexy stuff like hold hands and walk over the steaming potholes of downtown Birmingham. I didn’t let myself imagine anything more.”–Matt Kessler in “Searching for Huggy Bear: Riot Grrrl and Queerness in the American South”
“Breast cancer had Betty Ford. So did rehab, and suddenly it was socially acceptable to get treatment for alcoholism. Katie Couric had a colonoscopy on national television 15 years ago, and screenings for colon cancer jumped 20%. But since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973 with the Roe vs. Wade decision, the controversial medical procedure largely has been without a recognizable champion, a nationally known figure willing to publicly defend and explain an otherwise private issue.“–From “Why the founder of #ShoutYourAbortion had to go into hiding”
Call for submissions (like, literally): Pervette wants you to submit…your secrets. And if you’re wondering, Pervette is “for all the girls who want to tap into their dominant side” and “to dispel misconceptions about kink…and sexwork.”
What did we miss this week? Let us know in the comments! <3
Thank you so much for your support of Pervette! What an amazing site this is. It’s so good to know there’s a kindred Weird Sister to Pervette 🙂
Aw Colette, thank you for the kind words about WEIRD SISTER. I am so excited to keep reading PERVETTE and see what happens next! (I found out about it through Stephen Elliot’s Rumpus newsletter.) Yay! xo