Tag Archives: Wendy C. Ortiz

Rah! Rah! Roundup

rahrahroundupAll Oklahoma facilities licensed by state health officials that have public restrooms will be “required to post signs directing pregnant women to seek services other than abortions…It is unclear whether the signs are required to be posted in both male and female restrooms.”

There are so many reasons why we smuggle our desire, why we keep it hidden in secret compartments and rarely offer others a look, but primarily it comes down to fear. Fear of what someone else will think, fear that you won’t get what you are asking for, fear of humiliation, fear of giving someone leverage to hang over you, fear of actually getting what you desire.”

Trump won the Presidency by gas light. His rise to power has awakened a force of bigotry by condoning and encouraging hatred, but also by normalizing deception.”

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Filed under Rah! Rah! Roundup

Rah! Rah! Roundup


Remember their names, faces, and lives– these are the victims of the Pulse shooting, primarily queer POC.

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